About Me

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Daughter, sister, friend, Taurus, Yankees Fan, blogger, bookgeek who dreams of writing a novel, and other things yet to be defined . . . a work in progress!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Book Geeks Unite

I recently joined a book club, something I thought I would never do.  Honestly, the idea of being assigned a book to read was not appealing to me at all, but now I'm finding I don't mind it because it is allowing me to discover other books and new authors to enjoy.  It is easy to stick to the same types of books and types of authors, but now being in the book club I am finding I have to put that aside and get out of the reading box I seem to have put myself in.  It is fun discussing books with other "book geeks."  We really just discuss our opinions and thoughts on the book, but somehow it is really fun even though we are just discussing a book (something that some people would find completely boring).  I guess that comes from sharing a common interest with someone, the most mundane thing can be enjoyable.  Reading is such a solitary activity, even when sitting reading with someone else, but by having a club to discuss books it makes reading something social.  Simple as it is, it is becoming a favorite activity of mine and I am enjoying getting to know the members of my group when we kind of veer off topic and get to know each other a little more personally.  Doing something I never thought I would do seems to be something I am getting a tiny bit more comfortable with these days, and I start wondering where will I go next :0) and I am sure enjoying the journey.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just Might Be A Crazy Idea - My Own Book

Okay, so after playing around with this idea I have decided I want to write a book myself! Yeah, I am gonna go for it and try to see what I can accomplish with a little work at a time and just go for it.  I am thinking it might be a little crazy, but really fun and could be an amazing experience.  Here goes nothing I say and it's do or die time.  It is so daunting to think of the task at hand, but if I take it in small achievable goals I think I just might be able to get this done.  Although, writing is only part of the battle, but I am not going to worry about that until I have product in hand and see where to go from there, yikes, I am really doing this now by posting this and putting it out there in cyberspace.  Well, yikes, I am doing this and there is no backing out now, lol, oh boy, let the fun begin.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Why I Went Nook

After a great deal of resistance to going the technological route, I finally broke down and got a Nook this past June.  For the longest time I had said I didn't want to lose the feel of reading while holding a book in my hands, I was old-fashioned about it, and knew there was something about turning pages (although I will say I will not miss the paper cut factor).  However, I do like my gadgets and realized that it wouldn't be so bad for me to get hip to an eReader in the end.  A whole library is now with me wherever I go, meaning when I have the urge to go back to a favorite book no matter where I am, I can have it at a moments notice (my own personal book genie, yippie).  Any time I want to read Pride and Prejudice I can without any fuss or much consternation.  I see it as being similar to moving my music to an MP3 Player, where I have so much music at my fingertips in a small device (my own DJ with me all the time).  You see I am an avid read (as if that was hard to guess when I have decided to blog about books and reading) so having books with me is like a fantasy come to fruition after never realizing it could be mine for the taking.  I also love, not being of a patient persuasion, having a new book whenever I want it practically as soon as I want it.  That means no more going to the store or library for a book, I can now get the book as soon as I want it any time of day, without having to get in the car to go get it.  That truly is a blessing to the impatient I will say.  I guess I jumped on the technology bandwagon and am on it for the duration of the ride.  To those who say what about classic page turning, yup, I seem to be making do and my fingers are thanking me :0)

Breakfast at Barnes & Noble

A few weeks ago my best friend Stephanie texts me and asks what I was up to that Friday evening.   At first because it was a rainy day I wasn't really up for anything and was about to decline, but when she said the magical words Barnes & Noble I was ready to go in a heartbeat and needed no further incentive.  You see, we both kind of have a thing for the store, and we aren't ashamed to admit it.  This all got me thinking about why I personally love Barnes & Noble so very much.

I kind of compare it to how Holly Golightly describes her love for Tiffany's in Breakfast at Tiffany's.  When she describes just loving the proud look of the place and says nothing bad can ever happen there, I know what she means.  For some reason I am drawn to the store, whether I am alone or with someone, I can't pass up a chance to go and browse for whatever length of time I have available.  Something comes over me, like a kid in a toy store and I just lose myself to the place and time seems almost to not exist.  I get lost in the endless choices of books of all kinds.  There are books to just enjoy and books to learn something, books about exotic places, books about dogs (which is another passion of mine), there is endless choice and it never gets dull.

I find I have two kind of personalities there, my "alone" self and the "social" self.  When I am alone I am engrossed in the books, the cafe there, the various other items for sale and  I kind of get inside my head and just go with it, just enjoying the place, the ambiance if you will, and just being there.  When I am with a friend I tend to love to be silly there.  We go looking at stuff and saying "haha, yeah, that is creepy" or sometimes I do get more serious and I see stuff that brings back memories.  That is time I always treasure.  Although not the most exciting of evenings some might say, for me it is what makes a perfect evening.

I guess for a book geek it isn't to hard to imagine how I can have this passion for a bookstore.  It is kind of par for the course since I love books to want to find a place I feel I fit in with other people who most likely love books too.  So if Holly has Tiffany's, I have Barnes & Noble, so I say Breakfast at Barnes & Noble anyone ;0)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Blog

Welcome to my blog about books and reading.  I really find reading as a way to enjoy something simple and personal.  Each book has something unique to offer, even when you don't like the book there is still a power to be found in that.  They say it is a thin line between love and hate, well, that is true, love a book or hate it the feelings it inspires are personal and unique for all.  Read a review, and does a positive review mean you will love the book any more than a negative review mean you will hate it?  No, it doesn't, because you will need to find that out for yourself.  That is what makes reading so great, there is always something to enjoy or to feel in within those pages that is going to be all your own.