A few weeks ago my best friend Stephanie texts me and asks what I was up to that Friday evening. At first because it was a rainy day I wasn't really up for anything and was about to decline, but when she said the magical words Barnes & Noble I was ready to go in a heartbeat and needed no further incentive. You see, we both kind of have a thing for the store, and we aren't ashamed to admit it. This all got me thinking about why I personally love Barnes & Noble so very much.
I kind of compare it to how Holly Golightly describes her love for Tiffany's in Breakfast at Tiffany's. When she describes just loving the proud look of the place and says nothing bad can ever happen there, I know what she means. For some reason I am drawn to the store, whether I am alone or with someone, I can't pass up a chance to go and browse for whatever length of time I have available. Something comes over me, like a kid in a toy store and I just lose myself to the place and time seems almost to not exist. I get lost in the endless choices of books of all kinds. There are books to just enjoy and books to learn something, books about exotic places, books about dogs (which is another passion of mine), there is endless choice and it never gets dull.
I find I have two kind of personalities there, my "alone" self and the "social" self. When I am alone I am engrossed in the books, the cafe there, the various other items for sale and I kind of get inside my head and just go with it, just enjoying the place, the ambiance if you will, and just being there. When I am with a friend I tend to love to be silly there. We go looking at stuff and saying "haha, yeah, that is creepy" or sometimes I do get more serious and I see stuff that brings back memories. That is time I always treasure. Although not the most exciting of evenings some might say, for me it is what makes a perfect evening.
I guess for a book geek it isn't to hard to imagine how I can have this passion for a bookstore. It is kind of par for the course since I love books to want to find a place I feel I fit in with other people who most likely love books too. So if Holly has Tiffany's, I have Barnes & Noble, so I say Breakfast at Barnes & Noble anyone ;0)
Girl, I know what you mean. B&N always feels cozy and relaxing. I especially love to go there on cold days where I can grab something hot and a pile of books to preview... hoping that something will snag my attention and make me commit to buying! Although I know you've become a fan of the "Nook", and yes, I will admit to using the Kindle every now and then, I still love the feel of a real book, and B&N can provide that feeling over and over and over again. In love? I think so! Great post girl! =)